Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric has a different name or Curcuma Longa Curcuma domestica Linn. These small plants, including one of the spices and medicinal plants. The original habitat of this plant covers an area of ​​Asia, particularly Southeast Asia. These plants then the distribution to the Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. 

Almost everyone Indonesia and India and the Asian nations generally have to consume this herb plants, either as a complement to a cooking spice, herb or to maintain health and beauty.

Local Name: Saffron (UK), turmeric (Netherlands), Turmeric (Indonesia); Kunir (Java), Koneng (Sunda), Konyet (Madura); Chemistry Ingredients: Turmeric contains a medicinal compound, called curcuminoid consisting of curcumin , desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other beneficial substances.

Turmeric is useful for treating various diseases, including: diabetes mellitus, typhoid, appendicitis, dysentery, leucorrhoea, irregular menstruation, menstrual pains, facilitate breastfeeding, tonsils and mucous stools. (Bangga Heriyanto)
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Global Warming and Skin Health

Already since the beginning of this decade, people around the world are facing the same critical issues, namely global warming. Not only affects the Earth's geological conditions, global warming is also very influential on human health conditions, especially in the outer parts of the body, eg skin.

Global warming is a condition in which the average temperature of Earth increased dramatically. This happens because the Earth absorbs more heat (energy) of the sun than it releases into the atmosphere. There are several causes that make the Earth so, among which is the human activity that increasingly wildly out of control, especially relating to the use of fossil fuels for industry and consumer interests.

Its main activity is centered on the use of fossil energy (fuel oil, coal, and the like) that triggered a massive increase in carbon emissions. Activity was concentrated in the countries of the world's largest industry, such as the United States, China, Britain, Russia, Canada, and Japan.

World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming would be little impact to public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and precipitation caused allow a wide range of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease.

Who feel directly change the Earth's temperature is the parts of human body outer skin for example. Do not be too surprised, for example, if these days we often feel the air is hotter than usual. The risk of heat that is not usually it is a skin cancer. That is the furthest risk. While the risk of the most "small" is premature aging of human skin because 90 percent of the cause is sunlight.

In normal conditions -before the global warming discourse busy talking- we are often told to avoid exposure to direct sunlight and excessive, especially at certain times, such as between ten o'clock in the morning until three o'clock in the evening. Now, the heat is increased due to global warming by radiation free. So, we should be more painstaking longer maintain healthy skin.

Dr. Diana Joseph Komala, a therapist and kosmetologis of La Diana, Face and Body Care Clinic, Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta, said, "According to current environment, the outer body, such as the skin, should be more guarded and cared for. To prevent premature aging of skin cancer or worse, you should avoid exposure to direct sunlight at certain hours, and perform intensive care. "

A doctor from a reputable skin care clinic, Dr. Evalona Manurung, said, "Too much exposed to direct sun exposure can make the experience premature aging of human skin," he said as quoted from the site

Furthermore, Dr. Eva reveals that the radiation is free from global warming could also cause dry skin, dull, wrinkled, and the occurrence of uneven skin pigmentation. Skin pigmentation is a condition in which skin color becomes darker than the surrounding area, or in the vernacular known as plaque.

So, we can conclude that there is a clear connection between global warming and human health, especially skin health. The simplest thing to do is keep the skin from exposure to direct sunlight, skin care internally by taking vitamins, and began to treat it as a very valuable asset. (Bangga Heri Yanto)
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Stem Cell and Degenerative Diseases

In the movie Never Let Me Go (2010), directed by Mark Romanek told about the rapid development of the medical world that has added life expectancy becomes longer. Progress was mainly about the technology of cloning, transplantation of vital organs, and human stem cells, which became a new hope for tackling degenerative diseases such as stroke, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. 

Exciting news in the medical world about the breakthrough treatment technique always looked forward to a lot of people. Especially about the treatment technique that utilizes the new cells are better, it relates to biotechnology research scientists around the stem cells (stem cells or stem).

Stem cells are cells that do not yet specialized or which have two properties: (1) The ability to differentiate into other cells (differentiate). In this case the stem cells can develop into various types of mature cells, eg nerve cells, heart muscle cells, skeletal muscle cells, pancreatic cells, etc., and (2) The ability to renew or regenerate itself (self-regenerate/self -renew). In this case the stem cells can make copies of exactly the same cell with him through cell division.

According to Dr. Arief Budi Witarto, biotechnology researchers from LIPI, the use of stem cells in clinical treatment is possible. Because stem cell technology has the ability to transform into various cell types that can serve to replace damaged cells.

About stem cell research has been conducted since 1998, and in 2005 reported the success to clone human embryonic cells. In 2007, the results of research known scientists also succeeded in creating stem cells from adult cells by the addition of certain protein factors. Even in Korea, since 2005 has conducted clinical trials of stem cell therapy using adult stem cell source of bone marrow for the treatment of stroke with satisfactory results.

In medical journals Indonesia CDK (PowerPoint), published since 1974 in issue No. mentioned. 163 of 2006, that there are three classes of diseases that could be addressed by stem cell, namely:

1. Autoimmune diseases
For example in lupus, rheumatoid arthritis (a type of rheumatic disease) and type 1 diabetes. Handling mechanism is: once induced by growth factors to hematopoietic stem cells are much removed from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood, hematopoietic stem cells are removed from the body to be purified from the mature immune cells. Then the body was given a cytotoxic agent or radiation therapy to kill the mature immune cells that recognize self antigens do not (regarded as a foreign antigen). After that hematopoietic stem cells are put back into the body, circulate and migrate into the bone marrow to differentiate into mature immune cells so the body's immune system back to normal.

2. Degenerative diseases
In degenerative diseases such as stroke, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, there is some damage or death of certain cells that manifests clinically as a disease. In this state after the manipulated stem cells can be transplanted into the patient's body so that stem cells can differentiate into cells of certain organs that replace the cells that have been damaged or die due to degenerative disease.

3. Malignant disease
The principle of stem cell therapy in malignancy with autoimmune diseases. Hematopoietic stem cells derived from either bone marrow or umbilical cord blood have long been used in the treatment of leukemia and other blood diseases.

Stem Cell for Heart Disease and Stroke 

Formerly considered that once cell death occurs in stroke, it will cause permanent disability due to brain cells do not have the ability to regenerate. But the notion changed after the experts know of any plasticity in the brain cells and knowledge of stem cells is growing rapidly lately.

Some research using stem cells from human umbilical cord blood is administered intravenously to mice dioklusi media cerebral artery showed encouraging results. There is a reduction in lesion volume by 40% and the ability to return to 70% of normal function. There is a functional recovery in the transplanted stem cells from umbilical cord blood compared with the control group and appeared to stem cells from cord blood have migrated into the brain. Studies using mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) of autologous bone marrow is given intravenously in 30 stroke patients also improve outcomes assessed from the parameters of the Barthel Index and modified Rankin Scale.

Stem Cell can also be applied to treatment of heart disease. Recent research provides preliminary evidence that adult stem cells (stem cells from adult tissues) and embryonic stem cells (cells from embryonic stem) cells can replace damaged heart muscle and provide new blood vessels. (Bangga Heriyanto)
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Do You Believe It This 7 Food Myths?

Various myths about food increasingly mushrooming in everyday life. Not only is word of mouth, this myth is also spread in cyberspace, such as health articles that are not accompanied by strong research evidence.

As a reader, of course you have to selectively choose information. Do not believe it because the information could be the fact unfounded. To help you get out of the trap of misguided food myths, following a review of these myths:

Bacteria in the 'baby carrots' can not be destroyed by chemicals in the body
Not necessarily. There is no reason for us to stop eating those vegetables, "said Randy Worobo, Ph.D., a professor of food microbiology at Cornell University. As per recommendation FDA (Food and Drug Administration), carrots should be washed with chlorinated water to kill salmonella and E. coli bacteria that can cause foodborne illness (foodborne illness).

Drinking water can help you lose weight
If drinking water makes your meal a little more, then it was true. By adding water to the list of your diet will not help you lose weight, unless replacement water is a menu of 'snacks' or high sugared drinks, the calories in the body can help reduce your weight.

Eating too much sugar can cause diabetes
Actually, this myth is not the same as smoking that can cause cancer through direct effects. In other words, diabetes occurs because you are overweight and in general 'overweight' was due to excessive sugar pengonsumsian.

However, the problem is still a debate among health experts. The reason, several studies have shown that excessive sugar consumption may increase the risk for diabetes regardless of weight. This statement is reinforced by evidence found in the JAMA study that women who consume sugar once or more per day for 4 years of study had double the risk of diabetes than women who consume sugar only once per week.

Spicy foods can increase metabolism
Do you know anything that affects the metabolism? Yep, sex, height, weight / body composition, and usialah which determines the amount of calories will be burned in the process of metabolism so that the function of organs can keep running even while you sleep. In other words, eating spicy foods is not influential in increasing metabolism. Although body temperature rises after eating hot food, it will not give any changes in metabolic rate.

Women consumed soy safe
Yep, safe soy soy enjoyed the weather if it had been processed into food like edamame appetizer, as is often consumed by people of Japan and China.

Why should be prepared or processed first?
Soybeans contain phystoestrogens that can stimulate the growth of cells that react quickly to the hormone estrogen in a woman's body, causing the risk of breast cancer. Sometimes, soybeans that have been processed and still remains dangerous, such as soy chips, patties, or supplements because you do not know much phystoestrogens content in it.

Foods that fall 'has not been 5 seconds' still safe enjoyable
Once your current food habits jugakah you fall? Let's change the habits you start now! Foods that fall can not be tolerated even if only 1 second. Did you know? Bacteria on the surface of the floor that has been contaminated very quickly get into the food fell even faster than your reflexes.

In one study, a dietitian at Clemson University, Paul Dawson, Ph.D., along with his students to contaminate the floor surface with the bacteria Salmonella. After that, they dropped two pieces of bread on the floor. What happened?

After 5 seconds, a piece of bread was taken and observed. Result, there are approximately 1800 bacteria in the bread. Later, other pieces were observed after 60 seconds and the results are bacteria ten times more than the previous pieces of bread.

How? Still want to enjoy it? Not always a myth is not true. However, it would be nice if you're digging deeper into this myth is that you do not get caught up in thinking is wrong and baseless. (Bangga Heriyanto)
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Chinese Traditonal Medicine

Not all of the modern department brings benefits. In certain parts, something that is natural and has traditionally done well is no less beneficial. Chinese-style traditional medicine is one such example.

Traditional Chinese Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the practice of traditional medicine conducted in China and has developed over thousands of years. TCM treatment techniques commonly used herbs, acupuncture, and Tui Na massage.

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that all processes in the human body connect and interact with the environment. Therefore, the disease is caused by disharmony between the environment inside and outside one's body. Symptoms of this imbalance is used in the understanding, treatment, and prevention of disease.

Theories used in the treatment philosophy is based on several references, including the theory of Yin-yang, five elements (Wu Xing), the human body's meridian system (Jing-luo), Zang Fu organ theory, and others. Diagnosis and treatment were referred to the concept. Traditional Chinese medicine is not infrequently at odds with Western medicine, but some practitioners combine it with the principles of evidence-based medicine.

TCM berberda with classical Chinese medicine. This relates to the history of Chinese nation. Nationalist government, in his time, reject and outlaw in his classic treatment because they do not want China lags behind in terms of development of scientific knowledge. For 30 years, the classic treatment is banned in China and some people sued by the government for committing the classic treatment.

In the 1960s, Mao Zedong finally decided that the government can not prohibit the classical treatment. He ordered the 10 best doctor to investigate the treatment of classic as well as create a standard application form from the classical treatment. Standardization resulted in TCM.

Drugs in TCM
Traditional medicine believed to be very effective, and sometimes can serve as a palliative medicine (a system of integrated care that aims to improve the quality of life, by way relieve pain and suffering of others) when western medicine could not handle anymore, such as routine treatment in cases of colds and allergies, and address the prevention of poisoning.

Because work on the basis of traditional principles, the ingredients used TCM in the treatment process also comes from things that are natural, and is directly derived from nature. The higher levels of kealamiannya, the higher the value of such materials, both in terms of price and power recovery.

There are two sources of ingredients used in TCM, which is derived from animals and from plants. Originating from animals which are: snake oil (to reduce joint pain); penis and tiger eye (to improve the vitality and treating impotence); rhino horn (to cool the blood); shark fins (for skin rejuvenation, treating cancer, for kidney, and disease of the lungs), and sea horse (to cure asthma, impotence, thyroid disorders, heart and skin diseases.

While the ingredients derived from plants or herbs, most of them still rely on ginseng as an ingredient of the most famous treatment of the East. Other ingredients not identified in general as some practitioners of TCM is to maintain the secrecy of originality and exclusivity of materials.

TCM Practice
TCM treatment techniques done in various ways. Among these are the methods of herbs, acupuncture, moksibasi, auriculotherapy, and cupping.

Methods of herbal treatment is a treatment method that uses specific plants as its main tool. While the methods we are familiar with the common acupuncture needling method, where a number of special needles inserted at specific points on the body that serves for blood circulation.

Moksibasi technique is a cure by heating or combustion system with moxawool (moksha materials, such as wool) to produce heat to acupuncture points or certain places on the patient's body. Moxawool made from the leaves of Artemisia vulgaris (leaf moksha) is dried and milled (crushed) into a fine powder.

Auriculotherapy or ear acupuncture is an alternative medical therapies based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem entire body is represented by the ear, the outer ear. Diseases of the entire body is assumed to be treated by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively.
Cupping is a treatment technique that is known in Indonesia as cupping, which is a method of treatment technique that uses air pressure to create air-tight space near the patient's skin at specific acupuncture points. This method is very similar to traditional medicine in Southeast Asia carried out by scraping the skin with a coin or other object in order to open the blockage. This therapy is used to relieve "blockage" in the field of TCM, and used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

(Bangga Heriyanto)
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About The "Camellia Sinensis"

Not only tasty and delicious when served warm, these beverages, as have many well-known people turned out to have many benefits.

Drink tea comes from the leaf of a plant called latin "Camellia Sinensis". The word "Sinensis" in Latin means China. While the "Camellia" is taken from the Latin name of Rev. Georg Kamel, SJ (1661-1706), a Czech-born preacher who became an expert botanist and missionary. Although Kamel did not find this plant and the name, Carolus Linnaeus, the creator of the system of taxonomy still used today, chose his name as a tribute for his contributions to science Kamel.

Old name for the tea plant include "Thea Bohea", "Thea Sinensis" and "Thea viridis". "Camellia Sinensis" came from mainland South and Southeast Asia, but now cultivated throughout the world, both tropical and subtropical regions.

Benefits of Tea
Benefits include tea as an antioxidant, repairing damaged cells, smooths the skin, slimming, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, the blood circulation. So, do not be surprised if the drink is touted as a beverage rich in benefits.

The content of Useful Substances in the Cup of Tea
If we drink a cup of tea, then we at least know what useful substances that exist in a cup of tea we drink. Any substance contained in tea making is known as a beverage rich in benefits? Here are some key beneficial substances contained in a cup of tea.

Polyphenols in tea form of catechins and flavanols. These compounds act as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body is also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our bodies due to environmental air pollution and also from the food we eat.

Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as about 100-200 IU a day which is a necessity for the human body. This amount serves to maintain a healthy heart and smooth the skin.

Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as an immunity or resistance to the human body. Besides vitamin C also functions as an antioxidant that is necessary for the human body resistance to disease.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene in tea is a vitamin that the body needs can be met.

Substances that are Not Good in Tea
Although known as a nutritious beverage, tea was also have the substances that are less useful for the human body, and even tends to harm. Substance is caffeine. Caffeine in tea (tehine) may cause delays in the process of absorption of food. Limit caffeine is safe to consume in a day is 750 mg / day, equivalent to 5 cups of tea a 200 ml.

Avoid that is worth while Drinking Tea
  • Do not drink tea during or after meals because they contained substances in food can be stolen by the substance stimulant tea.
  • Do not drink tea on an empty stomach because it can increase stomach acid production.
  • Avoid drinking tea laced with sugar because it causes the substances they contain to be reduced.
  • Do not drink tea all night because it has many substances that are oxidized and stale so the impact is not good for the body.
  • Avoid drinking tea during pregnancy and lactation. Because caffeine and stimulants in tea can stimulate uterine contractions. In addition to nursing mothers would disrupt production of milk-producing glands or breastfeeding mothers.

The Good Ways to Brewing Tea
Although impressed by the simple, how to make tea is also an important thing. Errors in brewing the tea can cause not provide optimal benefits for people who drink it. To make tea, use boiling water temperature 80 degrees Celsius, do not use water with a temperature higher than 80 degrees because it can make us lose the benefits of tea.

In addition, the tea can be mixed with milk. Tea mixed with milk can reduce the stimulant effects of tea because the milk will bind calcium stimulant substances in tea. Another way is to add lemon that often we know as the "lemon tea". Lemon will provide protection for digestion, because the citric acid in lemon prevent the crust on the intestinal wall.

The way people drink tea in the world differently. There are so long and served in cups. There is also a special ritual. For example in Britain, members of the United Kingdom has a habit of drinking a cup of tea every afternoon. In China and Japan, the ritual of tea drinking is done through a special way and not haphazardly. How about you? (Bangga Heriyanto)
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I Want To Ride My Bicycle

In addition to know the benefits of cycling, in fact the song was created when vocalist, Farroukh Bulsara aka Freddie Mercury, was in France, when the event's most prestigious bike championships in the world 'Tour' was in progress. Freddie was inspired song bicycle after riding one bicycle racing.

Okay. We're not talking 'Queen' or cycling 'Tour'. Here we shall language about cycling several advantages for human health. I am sure many people know the benefits of this simple means of transport. However, little is knowingly and voluntarily use it as a means of transportation, for example, to and from school, a neighbor's house, or even the office.

Did you know that cycling can tighten the bottom like a calf, thigh and hip. In addition, cycling can burn calories by 300 to 700 calories per hour. This is useful for those who want to lose weight. Cycling may also increase lung volume by 50% so it can hold more oxygen.

For patients with overweight or obesity, cycling is a sport that is recommended for cycling are relatively safe compared to most sports that require running or jumping. Conflicts caused by running or jumping can cause injury to the legs, waist, back for those who are obese due to excess weight makes impact even harder. Cycling is also good for those who have heart disease.

One reason for cycling into a sport that is interesting is because cycling can be one way of relaxation. Enjoying the scenery in a relaxed and merasakah wind gusts can be one means of recreation is refreshing. So you can physically fit plus the clarity of thought.

Bike Buying Tips
Interested to try cycling? For those of you who have not had a bike, the main step is to buy a bicycle for use. There are various models of bikes in different sizes. In order to get a comfortable bike, try to note the following when choosing a bike that will be purchased:
  • Bicycle saddle should be comfortable to sit on and in the right size.
  • Choose a bike with the saddle height adjusted for your height. Saddle should not be too high because it will make it difficult when it comes to pedaling can also cause the thighs into the wound. Saddle is too low should also be avoided because it makes the legs should be bent too much and make it sore. Although the bicycle saddle may be raised and lowered, but make sure that the maximum and minimum height according to your condition. Ideally the saddle height and handlebar height parallel bicycle.
Cycling Tips 
In order to gain the maximum benefit and avoid injury, several things must be considered, namely:
  • Make sure the important parts of the bike such as brakes and tires in a safe condition so it will not interfere with travel or cause accidents.
  • To avoid the risk of injury, do a little warming, especially to stretch the muscles of the bottom such as waist, thighs and calves.
  • As an addition to safety while biking, you can mengguunakan pelidung equipment such as helmets, shoes, socks, gloves, glasses or other necessary equipment.
  • When I started riding a bike, do it first with a slow speed for 5-10 minutes as a way to warm up and adjust a bicycle.
  • When riding a bike, get your pedal one full turn.
  • The speed recommended for health is 27 km / h and rotation of the wheel 70 revolutions per minute (rpm).
  • Finished cycling, do cool down by pedaling slowly for about 10 minutes.
In addition to health, use of bicycles can also reduce air pollution caused by vehicular use. Traffic fumes can create a polluted environment. We recommend using a bike when you have to travel to a place that allows to reach by bicycle. In fact, there is also a community named "Bike to Work" using a bicycle to go to work every day. (Bangga Heriyanto)
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Maintain Eye Health

For you who are always working in front of computer monitors began to better maintain the health of your eyes. The eye is a very important member of the body, and no less valuable as the other limbs.

Through the eyes of all that exists in nature is projected to yourself. With eyes that function well, you can see everything, so you can be productive.

Try now and then imagine when your eyes suddenly not working properly. Just imagine when you are driving, when you walk, play, watch a show, or when you play with your child at home.

When you suddenly lose the function of the eye, then feel how important the two eyes are functioning properly. Then you realize to keep and care for her more carefully, and use it more wisely.

For example, do not constantly working at the computer monitor without a pause. Like you, the eyes also need a break.

Simple things you can do to rest my eyes. For example, while working in front of the monitor try occasionally to gaze into the other things around you. Could see into the window of the office space, saw a painting, or simply look at the face of co-workers. The length of time the vision is at least 30 seconds.

30 seconds when the transfer is beneficial to relax the muscles and nerves of the eye. Releasing the tension and avoid dryness in the eyes.

Another thing you can do, like seeing the colors of green on the screen. This could merileksasi eyes but does not avoid the radiation monitor. So ideally you should keep your distance between the eyes with the surface of the monitor, at least 30 centimeters. Install anti-radiation is also one way, in addition to other means which you can use anti-radiation glasses.

In addition to a computer monitor that can emit radiation in your eyes, everything else is a television screen (TV). Try not to get too close when watching TV. The ideal distance is five times the diameter of the TV. In addition, the habit of reading while lying with poor lighting is also not good for your eye health.

If you do not pay attention to the health of your eyes, so be prepared with the threat of eye diseases such as cataracts, nearsightedness, irritation, dry eye, minus, cylinders, even potentially can cause blindness! (Bangga Heriyanto)
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The Importance of Body Immune System

Family health is important. If any family members who experience pain can certainly be disrupted family fun. All members will feel unable to enjoy his way of life as normal.

If parents are sick, then the children will be sad. Vice versa, if the kids are sick then parents will be sad. If it is so, there is no joy in the family because its members feel sad, and ultimately could make the reduction in family happiness and productivity.

It is therefore important to take precautions before the illness came. The simplest thing is to keep the immune system to prevent the arrival of the diseases that threaten the health of the family.

Diseases that typically suffered by family members include the flu, fever, cough, and gastrointestinal problems around. Children are susceptible to flu, fever, or coughing because it is still their weak immune system, especially children under 5 years of age.

Weak immune systems of children can be caused by several things. First, because environmental conditions are not healthy. Second, infected by his friends who are sick. And third, they consume food or drinks are not healthy, has been contaminated or exposed to viruses that roam freely.

If we already know the cause, so now we just run a few steps to prevent it. The first Cause: unhealthy environmental conditions; we can handle with a start keeping our environment clean.

That need to be kept clean environment is a place where we spend most of the time in our lives. For example, the environment bedrooms, family room, and children's play area. The bedroom should be cleaned and dirapihkan every day. There are also fitted with a good air filter to keep the air clean, because it's usually a number of diseases transmitted through the air.

To avoid contracting the disease from playmates kids, get used to implement a healthy lifestyle, for example by familiarizing washing hands, face, or leg every time the child is finished playing. Can also do not allow children near a friend who was sick.

Meanwhile, to avoid food or drink exposed to viruses or bacteria harmful child does not try to snack at random. Parents should be sure what to eat and drink by their family members free of germs. Food and drinks at the table must be kept closed. Cutlery and drinking should always be washed every time after use, do not wait until the next day.

To keep the immune system can also take vitamins and supplements, get used to eating on time and adequate rest. Thus some effort to keep the immune system so as not easily hurt, so if the whole family healthy then and productivity kebahagaiaan family can stay awake. (Bangga Heriyanto)
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