Stem Cell and Degenerative Diseases

In the movie Never Let Me Go (2010), directed by Mark Romanek told about the rapid development of the medical world that has added life expectancy becomes longer. Progress was mainly about the technology of cloning, transplantation of vital organs, and human stem cells, which became a new hope for tackling degenerative diseases such as stroke, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. 

Exciting news in the medical world about the breakthrough treatment technique always looked forward to a lot of people. Especially about the treatment technique that utilizes the new cells are better, it relates to biotechnology research scientists around the stem cells (stem cells or stem).

Stem cells are cells that do not yet specialized or which have two properties: (1) The ability to differentiate into other cells (differentiate). In this case the stem cells can develop into various types of mature cells, eg nerve cells, heart muscle cells, skeletal muscle cells, pancreatic cells, etc., and (2) The ability to renew or regenerate itself (self-regenerate/self -renew). In this case the stem cells can make copies of exactly the same cell with him through cell division.

According to Dr. Arief Budi Witarto, biotechnology researchers from LIPI, the use of stem cells in clinical treatment is possible. Because stem cell technology has the ability to transform into various cell types that can serve to replace damaged cells.

About stem cell research has been conducted since 1998, and in 2005 reported the success to clone human embryonic cells. In 2007, the results of research known scientists also succeeded in creating stem cells from adult cells by the addition of certain protein factors. Even in Korea, since 2005 has conducted clinical trials of stem cell therapy using adult stem cell source of bone marrow for the treatment of stroke with satisfactory results.

In medical journals Indonesia CDK (PowerPoint), published since 1974 in issue No. mentioned. 163 of 2006, that there are three classes of diseases that could be addressed by stem cell, namely:

1. Autoimmune diseases
For example in lupus, rheumatoid arthritis (a type of rheumatic disease) and type 1 diabetes. Handling mechanism is: once induced by growth factors to hematopoietic stem cells are much removed from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood, hematopoietic stem cells are removed from the body to be purified from the mature immune cells. Then the body was given a cytotoxic agent or radiation therapy to kill the mature immune cells that recognize self antigens do not (regarded as a foreign antigen). After that hematopoietic stem cells are put back into the body, circulate and migrate into the bone marrow to differentiate into mature immune cells so the body's immune system back to normal.

2. Degenerative diseases
In degenerative diseases such as stroke, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, there is some damage or death of certain cells that manifests clinically as a disease. In this state after the manipulated stem cells can be transplanted into the patient's body so that stem cells can differentiate into cells of certain organs that replace the cells that have been damaged or die due to degenerative disease.

3. Malignant disease
The principle of stem cell therapy in malignancy with autoimmune diseases. Hematopoietic stem cells derived from either bone marrow or umbilical cord blood have long been used in the treatment of leukemia and other blood diseases.

Stem Cell for Heart Disease and Stroke 

Formerly considered that once cell death occurs in stroke, it will cause permanent disability due to brain cells do not have the ability to regenerate. But the notion changed after the experts know of any plasticity in the brain cells and knowledge of stem cells is growing rapidly lately.

Some research using stem cells from human umbilical cord blood is administered intravenously to mice dioklusi media cerebral artery showed encouraging results. There is a reduction in lesion volume by 40% and the ability to return to 70% of normal function. There is a functional recovery in the transplanted stem cells from umbilical cord blood compared with the control group and appeared to stem cells from cord blood have migrated into the brain. Studies using mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) of autologous bone marrow is given intravenously in 30 stroke patients also improve outcomes assessed from the parameters of the Barthel Index and modified Rankin Scale.

Stem Cell can also be applied to treatment of heart disease. Recent research provides preliminary evidence that adult stem cells (stem cells from adult tissues) and embryonic stem cells (cells from embryonic stem) cells can replace damaged heart muscle and provide new blood vessels. (Bangga Heriyanto)

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