Traditional Chinese Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the practice of traditional medicine conducted in China and has developed over thousands of years. TCM treatment techniques commonly used herbs, acupuncture, and Tui Na massage.
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that all processes in the human body connect and interact with the environment. Therefore, the disease is caused by disharmony between the environment inside and outside one's body. Symptoms of this imbalance is used in the understanding, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Theories used in the treatment philosophy is based on several references, including the theory of Yin-yang, five elements (Wu Xing), the human body's meridian system (Jing-luo), Zang Fu organ theory, and others. Diagnosis and treatment were referred to the concept. Traditional Chinese medicine is not infrequently at odds with Western medicine, but some practitioners combine it with the principles of evidence-based medicine.
TCM berberda with classical Chinese medicine. This relates to the history of Chinese nation. Nationalist government, in his time, reject and outlaw in his classic treatment because they do not want China lags behind in terms of development of scientific knowledge. For 30 years, the classic treatment is banned in China and some people sued by the government for committing the classic treatment.
In the 1960s, Mao Zedong finally decided that the government can not prohibit the classical treatment. He ordered the 10 best doctor to investigate the treatment of classic as well as create a standard application form from the classical treatment. Standardization resulted in TCM.
Drugs in TCM
Traditional medicine believed to be very effective, and sometimes can serve as a palliative medicine (a system of integrated care that aims to improve the quality of life, by way relieve pain and suffering of others) when western medicine could not handle anymore, such as routine treatment in cases of colds and allergies, and address the prevention of poisoning.
Because work on the basis of traditional principles, the ingredients used TCM in the treatment process also comes from things that are natural, and is directly derived from nature. The higher levels of kealamiannya, the higher the value of such materials, both in terms of price and power recovery.
There are two sources of ingredients used in TCM, which is derived from animals and from plants. Originating from animals which are: snake oil (to reduce joint pain); penis and tiger eye (to improve the vitality and treating impotence); rhino horn (to cool the blood); shark fins (for skin rejuvenation, treating cancer, for kidney, and disease of the lungs), and sea horse (to cure asthma, impotence, thyroid disorders, heart and skin diseases.
While the ingredients derived from plants or herbs, most of them still rely on ginseng as an ingredient of the most famous treatment of the East. Other ingredients not identified in general as some practitioners of TCM is to maintain the secrecy of originality and exclusivity of materials.
TCM Practice
TCM treatment techniques done in various ways. Among these are the methods of herbs, acupuncture, moksibasi, auriculotherapy, and cupping.
Methods of herbal treatment is a treatment method that uses specific plants as its main tool. While the methods we are familiar with the common acupuncture needling method, where a number of special needles inserted at specific points on the body that serves for blood circulation.
Moksibasi technique is a cure by heating or combustion system with moxawool (moksha materials, such as wool) to produce heat to acupuncture points or certain places on the patient's body. Moxawool made from the leaves of Artemisia vulgaris (leaf moksha) is dried and milled (crushed) into a fine powder.
Auriculotherapy or ear acupuncture is an alternative medical therapies based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem entire body is represented by the ear, the outer ear. Diseases of the entire body is assumed to be treated by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively.
Cupping is a treatment technique that is known in Indonesia as cupping, which is a method of treatment technique that uses air pressure to create air-tight space near the patient's skin at specific acupuncture points. This method is very similar to traditional medicine in Southeast Asia carried out by scraping the skin with a coin or other object in order to open the blockage. This therapy is used to relieve "blockage" in the field of TCM, and used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.
(Bangga Heriyanto)
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